Thursday, October 1, 2009

Only 3 days to go....

The forecast for Monday and Tuesday is sunny - which is good for the rotenone program. In speaking with one of the biologists earlier this week, rain was something they were hoping would not happen.

The last couple of days there has been some boat activity on the lake. But it still is very peaceful and quiet here. Lots of geese honking. I've been wondering what will they do when the rotenone is applied to the water?

There are two different forms of rotenone planned for the application. One is being sprayed on the surface, and a different form is being injected deeper into the lake. Because the lake is stratified, with water of different temperatures which tend not to mix, there was concern that the fish in one of the deeper layers could survive the rotenone if it did not mix into that layer. So the approach for the deeper layer is to inject the chemical.

Another concern has been how to provide water to one of the local dairies that draws water from the lake to service the needs 400 dairy cows. Ministry of Environment contributed to the costs of drilling a well in the hopes that a well would provide an alternate source of water for both immediate needs and the long term. However, not enough water was found to meet the needs of the dairy. So an alternate plan has been put in place, to treat the water before it reaches the dairy and remove the rotenone. I'm not sure of the process involved to do this.

After the rotenone is applied, 90% of the dead fish will apparently fall to the bottom of the lake. The others will wash ashore. Since our shore is on the receiving end of the southerly wind - which is the predominant wind on this lake - I expect we'll see lots of dead fish amongst the rushes and reeds of the shore. I've been considering harvesting some and burying them in the garden to help add nutrients to the soil.

I've been wondering if we'll see lots of eagles and other scavengers after the fish. Maybe even a bear or two? There are raccoons in the area too. I'm sure they'll have a feast.

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