Tuesday, May 11, 2010


We are hearing frogs close by - for the first time since the perch population exploded on the lake. What a privilege to fall asleep to that croaking din. A few weeks ago there was perhaps one or two -- but now I am hearing multiple frogs. Back in the early 1990s when we first moved to the lake the din was deafening - so loud I felt some nights I needed ear protection.

Then, when the perch took over, the lake was silent.

I was talking to a neighbour on the weekend at the park clean-up; he says he's noticing more insect life on the lake too. Like me, he was very concerned when the idea of rotenone first came up. He monitored the situation at Skmana Lake after the treatment there and saw that it seeemed successful, so became more supportive of the rotenone for Gardom. With the frogs and insects back, he is hopeful that the lake will return to the more balanced ecosystem we had back in the early 1990's.

In the meantime - I will enjoy hearing the frogs each night.

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